Invisalign Specialist

Trusty Dental

General Dentistry & Orthodontics located in Greenwich and Stamford Area, Riverside, CT

Invisalign® is the evolution of teeth straightening because it improves your teeth alignment and facial profile with no metal brackets or wires. At Trusty Dental in Riverside, Connecticut, you can straighten your teeth in as little as 12-18 months — and nobody will even know you’re straightening your teeth since the Invisalign aligners are totally clear. Call the office or use online booking to arrange your free Invisalign consultation today.

Invisalign Q&A

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is the most advanced non-braces teeth-straightening system available today. With Invisalign, you wear a series of ultrathin plastic aligners made of SmartTrack® material. This state-of-the-art material gradually moves your teeth into the ideal position without metal brackets or wires. The aligners are completely clear, so they’re generally undetectable unless you look very closely. 

How does Invisalign treatment planning work?

Your treatment planning starts with advanced imaging using an intraoral scanner. The intraoral scanner creates a 3D model of your teeth. This goes to a nearby computer, where your dentist can start planning treatment using the proprietary Invisalign ClinCheck® software. 

With ClinCheck software and your 3D images, your dentist can customize Invisalign treatment very precisely based on your particular needs and goals. The software can even show you a projection of your results before you start treatment. 

Once you’ve finalized your treatment plan with your Trusty Dental provider, the plan goes directly to the Invisalign laboratory. The lab creates your customized Invisalign aligners and sends them to the Trusty Dental office. You’ll return for a fitting appointment and then begin treatment.

How do I wear the Invisalign aligners?

The aligners snap into place over your teeth. Because the aligners are tailored for you, they’re generally quite comfortable and easy to wear. You’ll wear the Invisalign aligners 20-22 hours a day on average, removing them for meals and oral hygiene. 

Depending on your straightening plan, you’ll start wearing a new pair of Invisalign aligners either every week or two. You’ll continue this progression until you finish Invisalign treatment. 

How often do I need Invisalign check-ups?

You’ll come in to Trusty Dental for Invisalign check-ups once every 4-6 weeks, according to your dentist’s recommendations. Check-ups are very quick, but they’re important because you need to make sure your aligners are working properly.  

How long will Invisalign treatment take?

The average treatment time is 12-18 months, making it as fast (and sometimes faster) than metal braces. Invisalign treatment, like any orthodontic treatment, is best followed up with retainer wear. 

Invisalign makes the Vivera® retainer, which is completely clear just like your aligners. Wearing your retainer as directed for a year or longer after finishing your Invisalign treatment is the best way to keep your straight new smile. 

To improve your appearance and teeth alignment all at once, Invisalign at Trusty Dental is the perfect choice. Call the office or book online today.